Blown Tires & Good Samaritans at Christmas
January 7, 2009
Choose To Be Happy
January 27, 2009Listen to your intuition. Face your fear. Both are great advice. But what do you do when the two are in conflict with each other?
You know those moments – you can’t quite tell if your intuition is really ringing alarms or not? Especially when it is concerning a situation you know causes you some amount of trepidation already.
It can be a tricky thing to weed through the available signs to discern whether your fear is a warranted concern or whether it is the product of worried overreaction.
Ignoring that niggling feeling that something is off, however, can lead to considerable distress if the truth finally reveals your intuition to be on target.
Complicate that with those times when you want your intuition to be wrong, and it can be even more difficult to wade through the facts and fears to find the truth.
Giving it patience and time are often the best course of action but this is often the most difficult solution to abide. Knowing a truth doesn’t always make it easier. I’m still learning.