International Cars
February 16, 2017
The People I Respect
September 6, 2017I love wearing sandals and strappy heels, so I am always working on preparing my feet for warmer weather right about now. I discovered foot peels years ago. They are a great way to quickly take care of callouses and cracked heels.
I’ve tried two different brands of foot peel, and the process is easy: you sit with your feet in special booties for 1-2 hours, then wash your feet. Within a week or so, your feet will start to peel, much like your skin does after a sunburn. But in this case, the callouses and cracked heels will be peeling away, leaving behind skin that is softer and prettier. If your feet are in bad shape, it may take a couple of treatments to get them in good shape, but I get good results from doing one peel and then following it up with regular pedicures using Johnson’s Foot Soap, a pumice stone, and a good moisturizer.
I’ve used Baby Foot for years, and really like it, but I tried a different brand recently because it was half the price of Baby Foot. TonyMoly’s foot peel works just as well.
With both brands, you need to be prepared for the fact that the peel will probably take approximately 2 weeks, during which time you’ll want to keep your feet covered. I find wearing socks as much as possible helps with the peeling process. I also like to soak in Johnson’s Foot Soap once the peeling process starts and use a bath brush to help remove the dead, peeling skin. Be aware that the peeling may start in a few days or it may take over a week. Using Baby Foot, the peeling usually starts for me with in a week, but the TonyMoly peel took about 9 days before my feet started peeling this time.
Also, some of these products don’t include instructions in English, but you can often find the directions on their website or on the product page at Amazon.
NOTE Once when I used Baby Foot, the instructions stated that your toenails should be free of nail polish before the treatment. Not sure what might happen, but I follow this rule for any foot peel now, just to be safe. You can apply fresh polish once you’ve removed the booties and washed the peel off of your feet.
TonyMoly Foot Peel: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BCHME3G
Baby Foot (several options to choose from): https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=baby+foot
Johsnon’s Foot Soap (I buy this at local Wal-Marts for less than $2 a box, which includes 4 packets): https://www.amazon.com/Johnsons-Foot-Soap-4-Count-3-Pack/dp/B009089CX4