On Being a Fixer/Helper
March 26, 2018
Mental Health Services Articles
April 26, 2018Are you sure you are registered to vote? Some voters have been included in ‘voter purges’ and been surprised when they showed up to vote, only to be turned away. You must be registered to vote at least 30 days prior to an election, and several counties in our area have elections coming up in just a month, on May 1.
And remember, if you have moved to a new address or changed your legal name, you must register to vote again.
You can quickly and easily register to vote online here: http://proudvoter.org/register/?partner=TEP
If you think you are registered to vote, it is still a good idea to check and make sure you haven’t been purged. You can use this site to check your registration: http://proudvoter.org/check-registration/?partner=TEP
If you are wondering whether your area has an election on May 1, you can check it here: https://sos.tn.gov/products/elections/2018-local-election-calendar